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Luxury E-Commerce Giant Adapt Dynamic Product Advertising In China To Gain Market Share


According to a joint report by Bain and Tmall, luxury goods market in China is projected to achieve a 48% growth in 2020, reaching RMB346 billion, making it the only country that registered positive growth in 2020.  European luxury ecommerce giant recently leveraged EternityX’s platform to launch a series of Dynamic Product Ads (DPAs) to precisely targets affluent Chinese luxury shoppers, outshining its competitor and successfully increasing its market share in the competitive China luxury goods market.


Luxury goods


Fast delivery, world-class after-sales service, large selection, exclusive products with high-end brands, attractive seasonal offers have all allowed this European e-commerce giant to gain an unique position in the market. With travel restrictions still in place, Chinese consumers are shifting tourism spending, including travel retail spending, to the domestic market or online spending. This provides an incredible opportunity for foreign e-commerce brands to enter the Chinese market and capture such increased online spend.


However, comparing them to some of their competitors, who have already entered the China market and established roots, our client lacked brand awareness. In addition, they need to overcome the challenge of understanding the local culture and China’s unique internet ecosystem.  In order to help our client overcome such obstacles, we tailor-made a comprehensive marketing solution that played to their strengthen while addressing the localization challenges.


Adopting Dynamic Product Ads (DPAs) into our strategy allow us to customize ads, recommending products to users based on their behavior, characteristics and interests. Such process reduce the time and efforts required to carry out A/B testing while at the same time improve user experience and their purchasing processes.  For example, when users viewed or browsed similar products, they will see ads featuring products they are interested in on the apps they use, stimulating desires / reminding them to make such purchases. There are currently various technical restrictions in serving DPAs in China.  However, by utilizing the EternityX platform, our client is able to directly launch and manage DPA campaigns through one unified interface on various popular platforms, including Tencent, Baidu and Ocean Engine (part of Bytedance), to realize the goal of customizing ads for different targeted consumers.


When identifying potential audience, we focus on reaching users (living in Tier 1, 2 cities) that have already been to our client’s official website.  At the same time, with advanced multi-dimensional profiling, user audience is being categorized into:

  1. Warm leads: visitors who have browsed through products
  2. Hot leads: visitors who have added products into their wishlist or shopping cart


Luxury ecommerce_screenshot



We then adopt different strategies to target the two groups of audiences and optimize campaigns based on real-time campaign performance:


Luxury ecommerce_campaign optimisation strategies



Luxury ecommerce_achievement



Simple Yet Powerful Offering One-Stop Marketing Solution


Connecting regional and international brands with the Chinese market, EternityX is an award-winning open-to-connect AI marketing technology platform. With advanced multi-dimensional audience profiling to comprehend audience needs throughout the consumer decision making journey, we can precisely reach your targeted consumers through premium sites & apps programmatically. Our international team offers one-stop customized solutions everywhere, helping marketers overcome all obstacles and build a business intelligence strategy that increases brand-consumer lifetime value and maximizes campaign effectiveness.


Kelly Chan

+852 3589 6276


Adriana Wang
+852 5104 9915